[Beijing Youth Daily] 57 graduates of Beijing Institute of Technology gave up their high salary and chose the grassroots level

Original title:Fifty-seven graduates from Beijing Institute of Technology gave up their salary and chose the grassroots level

Original link:http://epaper.ynet.com/html/2019-06/24/content_331063.htm?div=-1

  Near the graduation season, there are such a group of college students, give up the rich salary, give up the prosperous life in the big city, choose to take root in the difficult grassroots, choose to return to their hometown, they are the students of Beijing Institute of Technology。This year, 57 students from the Beijing Institute of Technology will go to 17 provinces and regions, including Xinjiang, Tibet, Guangxi, Shaanxi and Gansu, to start a new chapter in their lives。Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the school's student employment guidance center that in recent years, the number of students selected by the school has increased year by year。This year, in the case of undetermined recruitment results in some provinces, it has increased by 40% over last year, which is 5 in 2016.Three times, 70% of whom are party members。Why was this choice made?Beiqing Daily reporter conducted an interview with these graduates, and they proved with practical actions that going to the place where the motherland needs the most is the best choice for a college graduate。

  Li Bo: Give up 400,000 annual salary to devote to the development of his hometown

  Qing Yin: To change a person's fate is simple, to change the fate of a group of people is difficult!I think only by personally participating in the construction of my hometown can I do more things for the development of my hometown。

  Male doctor of engineering, advantageous majors in well-known universities, engaged in research in frontier fields, published 10 SCI search papers, applied for 1 national invention patent...For Li Bo, who is about to obtain a doctorate degree, with excellent performance and conditions, the salary is favorable and the development of broad employment opportunities are like a river。"The first one to offer me an olive branch was Dongfeng Nissan,The offer is 300,000 a year,The second is a large family laser company in Shenzhen,The annual salary adds up to 400,000 +..."however,Standing at the crossroads of life,The simple guy who came all the way from rural Guangxi,But gave an answer that was "incomprehensible.,Give up Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen,Return to hometown,Choose to start at the bottom,Even if the salary is not enough to cover the doctoral degree。

  Such a choice, for Li Bo, who studied in the North Institute of Technology for 10 years, is not an impulse, but a life decision after careful consideration。"A temporary high salary can improve my life, but looking at life, how can I achieve my own value??"Li Bo told the North Green newspaper reporter,Take Guiping, Guangxi Province, where he visited, as an example,There are a number of high-quality tourism projects such as "Jintian Uprising",But in supporting services, infrastructure and external publicity,There is much room for improvement,The current situation of the grassroots coupled with the good situation of the country,Provided the best stage for these college students。Li Bo is not blind in choosing to be a selective student. During his university years, he not only actively paid attention to national policies and the development and reform of his hometown, but also conducted in-depth grassroots research through social practice to make his ideal more down-to-earth。

  Although Li Bo had already made his own plans during the doctoral period, it was not until near graduation that he confided in his family and friends。Not surprisingly, Li Bo's decision faced considerable resistance。Li Bo's family in rural Guangxi Province, the family of four children, two college students, life is very tight。Li Bo, who is sensible, applied for national student loans during his undergraduate years, and with excellent results and the support of national and school awards and grants, he successfully completed his studies without asking for a penny from his family and became the first doctor in his family, which was placed high hopes on by his family。"My family has a lot of ideas about my future, hoping that I can be financially free and bring glory to my family, but it certainly does not include going back to my hometown and starting from the grassroots.。In the face of incomprehension and even resistance from family and friends, Li Bo did not waver in his own ideas, but took "divided and attacked", he talked with his mother, talked with his brothers and sisters, did work, voted, talked about ideals, "each broke", and finally won the understanding and support of his family。

  Sun Lu: Moved by "Moving China" rooted in grassroots construction

  Qingyin: Going to work at the grassroots level is not only a career for me, but also a career that I can fight for and pour enthusiasm into all my life。

  "Deciding to work at the grassroots level was not an easy thing to do。I didn't sleep for several nights, and when I got the chance to work in Beijing at a high salary, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted。Sun Lu, a master's student at the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of North Technology in Ningxia, said in sharing her mental journey that the original heart made her firm in this choice。

  Sun Lu said that when she first came to Beijing for college, someone asked her if she would ride a camel to school in Ningxia. At that time, she made up her mind to devote herself to the construction of her hometown after graduation, and use what she learned to make her hometown better and better, and let more people know Ningxia。While watching "Touching China" in 2016,Student village official Qin Yuefei's deeds let the seed in her heart "take root",Sun Lu told Beiqing newspaper reporter,Qin Yuefei is an economics and political science major at Yale University,He graduated with honors,I didn't go to multinational companies to work as white-collar workers,He chose to return to the countryside to serve。

  When the reporter asked him why he chose to do so, he said: "I have to understand the people in my own country, to understand what kind of sweet and bitter life in their lives, so that I can use what I have learned to play a greater value, to make my country better."。This story touched Sun Lu very much, and she also hoped that she could do something meaningful for the people like Qin Yuefei。

  In a blink of an eye, the graduate study career is coming to an end, when standing at the fork in the road of life, Sun Lu still sticks to the original heart, gives up the opportunity to stay in Beijing, and chooses to build a small village in his hometown。"When I think about the two years of grass-roots service that students may face is the harsh living conditions in the countryside,I'm not scared at all,There will be a little longing,"Sun Lu said,Go to the grassroots,It's where her dreams began,It is also the best way to realize personal value,She will cherish this rare opportunity,Go to the grassroots and serve the people。For her, this will not only be a career, but also a career that she can work hard and pour into her passion。

  Wang Yizheng: Carrying grandfather's long-cherished wish to go to the frontier to serve the country

  Qing Yin: I hope that through my choice, more people can see the responsibility of the post-1995 generation. As qualified builders and reliable successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we will not live up to this era。

  Having never been to Tibet, not knowing whether he has altitude sickness or not, and not knowing the Tibetan language, Wang Yi, an undergraduate student who will graduate from the School of Astronautics of Beijing Institute of Technology, was making the decision to go to Tibet, and everyone around him was puzzled。

  "This is not a whim of mine, but a decision made after careful consideration," Wang told Beiqing Daily。He was born into a military family,My grandfather and uncle were both soldiers,The influence of the family made him engraved on the heart of "patriotism" from a young age,"My grandfather took part in the Huaihai Campaign,In one's childhood,I grew up hearing stories about my grandfather.",Wang Yi Zheng said,My grandfather had another dream before he died,As a soldier,Failed to shed the blood of youth on the border of the motherland,Contributing to the frontier。

  From then on, Wang Yizheng had an idea: He must go to Tibet when he had the opportunity to fulfill his grandfather's long-cherished wish。The bespectacled, soft-looking boy smiled when he was told he had passed the interview for placement in Xizang。Although there are many unknowns about going to work in Tibet, he has long been ready。But when the idea of "parents are here, not far away" was put forward, the first person to oppose it was Wang Yizheng's mother。Because he was young and the only child in his family, his mother worried that he would "not be able to endure" going to Tibet.。This post-95 young man proved to his parents with his practical actions that he was already a man standing tall, please rest assured。

  Struggle is the most beautiful background color of youth, choose to go to the most needed place of the motherland, behind is the contemporary college students' simple feelings for their hometown, responsibility for the country, and the desire to make contributions in the broad world at the grassroots level and realize the value of life。

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