【冰球突破】 Hu Cheng: "Cheng" potential, brave to climb the peak!

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He's a national champion,Has won the first prize of National Science and Technology progress,First prize of Technical invention of Chinese Institute of Electronics,He's a research crossover,He is the "translator" of scientific research and books,He devoted himself to cultivatingStudents whose achievements are "on both shelves and shelves",He is Hu Cheng, a professor in the School of Information and Electronics。

2003年,Hu Cheng after graduating from university,被著名雷达专家、学界泰斗毛二可院士带领的新体制雷达与实时处理团队的文化和平台深深吸引,Resolutely went north to Beijing Institute of Technology to study for a master's degree,Focus on precision measurement radar signal processing, biological detection radar system and information processing。Since his stay at the university in 2009, Hu Cheng has published more than 200 papers in the field of core journals and international conferences, presided over a number of key projects of the National Nature Foundation, and served as the editorial board of several professional core journals. His academic research achievements have attracted wide attention in the industry。

"My research achievements are both cross-disciplinary and cross-directional"

"What does the country need, we do。As the "radar man" of the North Institute of Technology, Hu Cheng devoted himself to tackling key problems, and what supported him was the sonorous oath of the national casting instrument。In the 1970s, some experts and scholars asserted that high-orbit SAR satellites were difficult to realize because of complex mechanism problems。"To do research is to push the limits."。In this fraught scientific research road, self-learning, practice and resource transformation are Hu Cheng's three magic weapons。In order to complete the imaging machine theory of high orbit SAR satellite,He taught himself about atmospheric physics and orbital dynamics,Read nearly 100 related papers,"It is both a test of personal will,It is also a challenge to knowledge reserve and thinking ability, "Hu concluded,He often sits at his desk for ten hours a day,Hand-written mathematical formula derivation,My head is full of data and plans。In this feverish working state, Hu Cheng will make the impossible possible。

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Worms are so small, how can they recognize their "enemies" from kilometers away?Using traditional methods, to achieve millimeter-level measurement accuracy at such distances, the radar bandwidth would have to reach 150G Hertz, which is simply impossible to achieve with current radar technology。The team opted for a "curvilinear solution" - indirect detection。It has four radars, including an antenna with a caliber of 2.Five meters of phased array radar and three 2.A multi-frequency, all-polarized radar with a 5-meter antenna, and they lock on to a bug。When asked why Hu Cheng chose insect detection radar as his research direction, he gave the most simple answer - "The three rural issues are fundamental issues related to the national economy and people's livelihood, as the son of farmers, to give agriculture the wings of science and technology is what I have always wanted to do.。However, the road of cross-direction scientific research is not easy, in order to pursue "traces of insects", the team members from the prairie of Inner Mongolia to the shore of the Bohai Sea, and then to Lancang, Yunnan Province, traveled to the north and south of the motherland, in the high temperature of 40 degrees or in the early morning, facing hundreds of thousands of insects is also common。Today, in the modern agricultural comprehensive experimental demonstration base of agricultural high-tech industry in the Yellow River Delta of Dongying, Shandong Province, the alert "radar eyes", like "protective armor", guard food security day and night。

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Hu Cheng and his students conduct experimental research in Yunnan

"Continuous innovation" is Hu's motto。For his part, Hu Cheng has been engaged in interdisciplinary research, like a jigsaw puzzle, piecing together the pieces of different fields to build a new world。The two abilities of innovative thinking and continuous learning are his invincible weapons in cross-field research。

"Be sure to know how to use the knowledge in the textbook."

"Research and excellent teaching" is the original intention of Hu Cheng on the platform。As Hu Cheng who has struggled in the front line of scientific research for nearly two decades, he encountered a "tricky" problem that was more difficult than scientific research when he first entered the undergraduate platform - he taught the professional course "Signal and System"。This course is known as the "stepping stone" for undergraduates in the field of signal majors. It is an important academic enlightenment for undergraduates. It is not only the starting point for in-depth study of signal and system theory, but also the key to open subsequent professional courses。No undergraduate teaching experience, unfamiliar with the curriculum, so that Hu Cheng felt pressure, "I am most familiar with the method of scientific research, to solve the teaching problems.。"After determining the method,Hu Cheng began to investigate,"I have found most of the courseware of the main teachers who teach this course in China.",From basic concept to practical application,From theoretical derivation to experimental operation,Hu Cheng carefully observed and studied the teaching methods of other excellent teachers,According to the characteristics of the North tech students,Incorporate your own teaching style,Summarize more than 1000 most suitable and effective teaching ppt,Show "class is bigger than the sky" determination。"Teacher Hu Cheng made this course come alive by combining book knowledge with practical application.""Hu's trick" won unanimous praise from undergraduates。

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When I came to Hu Cheng's office, a smell of books came to my face。The shelves are filled with a wide variety of books, especially textbooks in different editions and classics such as the Radar Manual。"Review the old and know the new, you can be a teacher", Hu Cheng has always engraved this sentence on his heart。Before class, he will make a teaching outline to keep a clear mind in class. After class, he will also actively discuss with students to understand their learning progress and improve the teaching method in time。

"Integration of science and education,Academic education",Hu Cheng combined his own research characteristics and advantages,Reflect the latest scientific research results of the discipline in the scientific research work to their own teaching,Use scientific research results to enrich teaching content,Transform scientific research methods into teaching methods,Research feeds teaching,Turn book knowledge into real problems。"The correlation operation was originally a problem of pure mathematical calculation in the textbook, but I combined it with the radar matching filter to let everyone understand how the formula in the textbook solves the practical problem.。In addition, with an overseas study background, he has been responsible for the all-English Radar Signal Processing course, helping graduate students build a radar knowledge system in English。

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Hu Cheng with the students

"In the next stage, I plan to set up experimental problems of different difficulties in combination with textbooks, so that students can gradually understand the knowledge of the radar field like playing games to upgrade and fight monsters, and select good 'seedlings' for scientific research."。Through communication with other teachers and feedback from students, Hu Cheng has a clear understanding of teaching and has developed a personal teaching ability improvement plan, "I hope to learn and grow together with students in teaching.。"Hu Cheng said。

"To cultivate independent and innovative talents"

Hu Cheng pays special attention to team building and the training of students, requiring them to have the ability to be independent and keep up with the most cutting-edge scientific research;We should not only stay at the theoretical level, but also have an international perspective。"Mr. Hu is very good at seizing the accidental inspiration in scientific research and landing it so that scientific research can play its value.。Li Jiayi, one of his students, said。

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In terms of graduate training, Hu Cheng has his own unique understanding. First, he introduces the students carefully to help them complete the transformation from an undergraduate to a graduate as soon as possible, and helps them upgrade in many aspects such as thinking mode, academic ability and research methods。Secondly, Hu Cheng attaches great importance to helping students establish a correct view of scientific research。He is well aware that a correct view of scientific research has a profound impact on students' study in the postgraduate stage and their future academic development。The third is to lead by example, his office is always open to students。This is not only an open physical space, but also a reflection of his mentality and spirit。He is always available whenever students have questions, need help, or want to exchange academic ideas, inspiring students to study and research even harder。

"In the learning process of following Mr. Hu for many years, the most impressive thing to me is Mr. Hu's fighting spirit of not afraid of problems, the courage to break through and innovation, and he is the" anchor "of our team.。"Said Li Yuanhao, one of Hu's first doctoral students and now an associate professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology。He admitted that the high-orbit SAR measurement project is facing recognized problems in the industry, "but Mr. Hu often encourages us to persevere in exploring innovative methods.。He led by example, carried out verification experiments in many places around the country for a long time, tried to use navigation satellites to carry out innovative verification, and finally led us to break through this problem, helping the first high-orbit synthetic aperture radar project successfully。What every student in the team sees from Hu Cheng is the scientific research spirit and inner belief that a scientific researcher should have, and it is the spiritual nourishment for their growth。

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"In this practice, I improved my professional skills, strengthened my conviction to continue to engage in radar entomology research, and contributed my youth to the food security of the country.。"Said Jiang Qi, a doctoral student。In the winter vacation of 2023, in the agricultural high-tech industry demonstration zone of the Yellow River Delta in Dongying, Shandong Province, the Beijing Institute of Technology social practice group of "Insect-capture Food" used its professional knowledge to carry out a series of experiments on real-time pest monitoring by insect radar, contributing youth to the construction of smart agriculture and beautiful countryside。This project won the 13th "Challenge Cup" gold medal, which is the result of Hu Cheng based on the characteristics of the discipline and emphasized the training concept of "educating people through competition"。

"Spread insects and birds in the country", "establish contacts with experts and scholars in the global field", "cultivate more top-notch innovative talents with a global vision"...Talking about future planning,Hu Cheng's eyes glowed with hot light,As the backbone of the third generation of "radar people",He beat the radar,Scale the heights in the field of radar type processing!